Kwamé Azure Gomez

"My work investigates the frequency of the quotidian, the infra- ordinary moments and textures of our everyday environments through the social lens of personal ritual and ceremony."

Kwamé Azure Gomez (b. 1999 Akron, OH) is New Haven, Ct based interdisciplinary painter, and writer. Inspired by an interest in the abstraction of daily life, divination, entropy, temporality, and human nature, Gomez investigates the frequency of the quotidian, the infra- ordinary moments and textures of our everyday environments through the social lens of personal ritual and ceremony.

Using paint-assemblage as an entry point in accessing a multiplicity of sensitivities informed by individual experience and collective encounter, surface serves as a processing site where both image, color field, and emotional terrain intimately transfigurate. In 2023 Gomez earned their MFA from the School of the Art Institute, Chicago and their BFA from the University of Akron in 2021.

Hometown:   New Haven, CT


  • Devotion

    Kwamé Azure Gomez

  • Free Smoke II

    Kwamé Azure Gomez
